Organic Modern Interiors - Lounge Lovers

Take all the best features of sleek modern design and fuse them with the earthy, organic elements of interior décor.

That’s the principle behind the immensely popular organic modern style — a refreshing design trend that’s rapidly making its way into homes across Australia.

Melding biophilic design with clean lines and a contemporary aesthetic, organic modern is perfect if you’re after invigorating interior design that stands the test of time. Here, we explore the what and the how of this style, and share a few of the organic modern interiors we’re coveting right now.

What is organic modern style?

The organic modern style is sophistication personified.

It welcomes the natural world indoors with organic elements found outdoors, from the natural grain of textured timbers to the plush texture of faux fur throws and cushions to the soft curves of vases, lamps, and sofas.

The organic feel is further enhanced by the style’s quintessential natural colour palette. An organic modern space slides from warm creams to golden taupes to soft greys, all adding to a bright and airy atmosphere that’s as light as it is welcoming.

Balancing the natural elements is a modern sophistication that adds a certain relaxed grace and undeniable class to the look. It tends to be inspired by Scandinavian design in its minimalism and often relies on pieces of modern design that would melt into an organic atmosphere, such as crisp white hues, clean lines, and contemporary comfort.

You’ll never find unnaturally bright colours or excessive patterns in the organic modern style, but you will find a flawless meshing of the beautifully natural and the elegantly man-made.

The elements that define the organic modern style

Organic modern interiors are each unique, but often contain key elements that help to define this breathtaking and iconic look.

Organic modern furniture is often made from natural materials such as timber, and tends to be built and finished in a way that emphasises its raw appearance, such as a wooden dining table with ‘rough’ edges like so:

Lounge Lovers - Organic Modern Interiors

The colour palette of organic modernism is relatively restrictive, in that it lingers amongst natural hues, evading bright tones in favour of a spectrum that ranges between cool white and warm brick and cosy mustard notes. The organic modern home does not eschew colour completely, but rather artfully opts for a definitive range that favours the understated and the natural.

Finally – and importantly – the organic modern style is identifiable by its minimalism. There is no clutter in an organic modern home: each piece of décor and furniture, from the rugs to the dining table, is artfully and carefully placed so as not to make the space feel crowded or ‘full’. This complements the clean lines and unobtrusive colours of the style, enhancing the sense of lightness and space.

Get inspired by these stunning organic modern spaces

Falling in love with the organic modern look takes little more than seeing it for yourself. There’s something utterly captivating about the raw natural feel and spacious modernity of this style that’s inspiring and enchanting home decorators and interior designers alike.

If you want to get the look in your own space, check out our 10 tips on styling a flawless organic modern home here.

Make a statement with this organic modern home entrance

Lounge Lovers - Organic Modern Home Entrance

This interior space is the perfect embodiment of the organic modernism style. The Rupert Sideboard’s sleek lines and slim legs are chic and modern, the delicate brass inlays are reminiscent of swaying bamboo trees, and the grainy timber all add a raw, natural balance to its modern shape.

The bright white wall, natural artwork, and simple organic modern décor all fall within the classic subdued natural colour palette of this understated style, and the careful placement of each piece is both thoughtful and beautiful.

Unwind in this beautiful organic modern living room

Lounge Lovers - Organic Modern Living Room

In the living area, where sofas and soft furnishings aren’t suitable for hardwood materials, the organic modern home instead opts for an organic vibe through shapes and colours. Couches have curved edges, plush pillows, and natural fibres, and are typically pale in hue, either cool white, sleek grey, or warm beige — like the Hampton Corner Sofa.

This sofa is all subtle edges and welcoming comfort, with rounded cushions and low, curvy armrests. Its natural timber legs and subdued hues give any living room the organic modern touch.

Rejuvenate in this relaxing organic modern bedroom

Lounge Lovers - Organic Modern Bedroom

Less is more with the organic modern style. Colourful accents are important to add points of interest, but will remain within the natural family of tones, such as olive green, rust orange, or muted mustard. That’s why we’re loving this space: with its earthy tones, wooden dresser and the Maya Bedhead, this organic modern bedroom is a rejuvenating sanctuary to relax and unwind from the world.

Dine in style with this organic modern kitchen

Lounge Lovers - Organic Modern Kitchen

The organic modern look isn’t just reserved for the living room and bedroom. The natural textures and elements also work perfectly in the kitchen and dining areas, as shown in this beautiful organic modern kitchen. With clean lines, a stone splashback and the classic mix of wood and black metal from the Delta Stools, this space oozes craftsmanship while also providing a cosy and inviting space that’s perfect for creating and sharing meals.

Can’t get enough of the organic modern look? Discover our favourite design pieces that will instantly bring a breath of fresh air to your home.